Trek Time is a weekly Star Trek Twitch/YouTube/Podcast series
See us live on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/TrekTime
Watch us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@TrekTime
Listen to our Podcast: Available on all Podcast apps
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrekTime_
Join our Discord: https://bit.ly/trek-time
The #1 Charity Based Star Trek Show
We are Trek Time and as well as making excellent and entertaining Star Trek content, we pride ourselves on supporting Charities from around the world, with 100% of our proceeds (subscriptions, ad revenue) going towards charity! So far we've raised over $8000 towards various charities over the last four years, all in the name of promoting the excellent values that Star Trek represents.
Below you can find our regular shows on our YouTube page, we also stream on Twitch every Wednesday and have an avid community on our Discord! Live Long and Prosper!