Star Trek Trek Trek
Our ongoing review of Star Trek episodes throughout it's history! We skip about the series in (mostly) chronological order, with the odd pause here and there to jump to episodes we really like!
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How We Trek Trek
Inititially we went through all the pilots in series order (starting with TOS, then TNG etc) but decided this was a fun format so we continued the rest of the series this way. Every two weeks we review an episode over roughly 30 minutes, looking at what we did and didn't like about the episode culminating in our favourite/worst moments of the episode, followed by a humerous rating.
How many 'Thalosian Illusions Of A Horse Named Tango' out of 10, how many 'Boltsman Brains Named Deborah' out of 10. You get the idea. We aim to rate every single episode and attempt to have a definitive list of where each episode, season and show rate against each other with our perfectly scientific and not at all bias and flawed metrics.
Every two weeks we provide a review video and a seperate Watchalong video if you want to listen to our inane banter as we watch through the episodes! Check the links above in the top window to find the playlists and ratings!
Marvel in our ratings and discuss them with us in the comments section!