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Alex Sharkey
Nov 23, 20221 min read
Timelines Talks #85 - Are These Events Real Or Just An Elysian
Auto, Idol and Stars cover the latest news and crew reviews in Star Trek: Timelines

Alex Sharkey
Nov 16, 20221 min read
The Elite Force Farce #2
It's Mirror Universe shenanigans as Idol and Stars pew pew their way out of every situation. Go Starfleet!

Alex Sharkey
Nov 9, 20221 min read
The Trek Time Trek Show - 2022-11-09
More news and info from the world of Star Trek. We also do a review of Star Trek: Nemesis because we really hate ourselves for some reason.

Alex Sharkey
Nov 4, 20221 min read
Star Trek Trek Trek #6 - The Vulcan Hello & The Battle Of The Binary Stars
The final part of our pilots series, we review the debut episode of the series that brought Trek back!

Alex Sharkey
Nov 2, 20221 min read
Timelines Talks #84 - Put A Little T'Pring In Your Step
Auto and Idol are joined by Walt Koenig and CAB's own Travelling Man to talk about the latest info from Star Trek: Timelines

Alex Sharkey
Oct 27, 20221 min read
Star Trek Trek Trek #5 - Broken Bow
Carrying on our exploration of the Star Trek pilots, we turn our attention to the start of the FAITH! It's been a long road...

Alex Sharkey
Oct 19, 20221 min read
Timelines Talks #83 - The Taxman Cometh!
Idol, Auto and Stars are joined by Booter to talk all things Star Trek: Timelines

Alex Sharkey
Oct 15, 20221 min read
The Chilled Out Trek Show! 2022-10-16
We chill and chat about Big's Jeopardy chances, bad condiments, the Picard Season 3 trailer...and Mrs Idol drops in for a light chat...

Alex Sharkey
Oct 13, 20221 min read
Star Trek Trek Trek #4 - The Caretaker
Far off where no Trek show has gone before, we continue our discussions of the Star Trek pilots with our review of Voyager's debut episode.

Alex Sharkey
Oct 11, 20221 min read
The Elite Force Farce #1 - Pew Pew Starfleet!
Idol and Stars begin a new adventure into the classic FPS Star Trek: Elite Force! Let's lock and load and kill some aliens!

Alex Sharkey
Oct 6, 20221 min read
Star Trek Trek Trek #3 - The Emissary
Time to continue our exploration of the pilots of Trek! Continuing with the Emissary, at the dawn of a different kind of Trek!

Alex Sharkey
Oct 4, 20221 min read
Timelines Talks #82 - Double Doopler Dumbass On You!
Idol, Auto and Stars talk about the latest news and crew reviews from Star Trek: Timelines

Alex Sharkey
Sep 29, 20221 min read
Star Trek Trek Trek #2 - Encounter At Farpoint
Continuing with our explorations with the pilots, we enter the 24th century and the beginning of a new adventure!

Alex Sharkey
Sep 20, 20221 min read
The Trek Time Trek Show - 2022-09-21
It's news time as we go through the awesomeness of Playmobile, the let down of Star Trek an the very conflicted Insurrection

Alex Sharkey
Sep 19, 20221 min read
Star Trek Trek Trek #1 - The Cage
Join us in our new adventure! Charting the pilots of the Trek Universe beginning with The Cage!

Alex Sharkey
Sep 15, 20221 min read
Star Trek Online #19 - Lukari Date Night
Join Idol as he waits for patches, reads Shatner and when he finally gets in, has a date with Kuumarke...

Alex Sharkey
Sep 13, 20221 min read
Timelines Talks #81 - Stop! Hemmer Time!
Idol, Auto and Stars catch up with all the news and crew reviews for Star Trek: Timelines

Alex Sharkey
Sep 6, 20221 min read
Building A Star Trek Legacy #4 - DEEP SISKO
Join us as Idol has the worst time mining asteroids and we watch the Defiant just destroy everything!

Alex Sharkey
Aug 31, 20221 min read
Timelines Talks #80 - If The Winner Is Cranky How Does Everyone Else Feel
Idol, Auto and Stars are joined by Cranky as they cover all the news and crew reviews from Star Trek: Timelines

Alex Sharkey
Aug 23, 20221 min read
The Trek Time Trek Show - 2022-08-24
This week we pay tribute to the amazing Nichelle Nichols, talk about awkward family reunions and go through the masterful epic that is First
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